5 things I miss about the U.S when travelling… a guest post

We put up a post about 5 things that we miss about Australia when we travel and after some discussion with readers put up 5 things that we don’t miss about Australia when travelling.  We were really happy with the responses to both of these posts and have put it up to anyone who wants to share what they miss or don’t miss about their own homeland to let us know.

Katrina of The Thrifty Gypsy’s Travels has shared with us with her list of what she misses about the U.S when travelling. We love she misses and how she has taken a humorous look at what I agree are some annoying things. FYI, Katrina Australia has cold beer definitely.

Katrina says, As much as I love to travel and explore new places and cultures, there have definitely been times and situations where I’ve found myself longing for certain aspects about the United States.  Perhaps it’s an absence makes the heart grow fonder (or the grass is actually greener on your own side of the fence?) situation, but whatever the root, here are five things that I miss about the U.S. when abroad:

ICE Cold Beverages

I’m talking about drinks so-cold-that-they-were-taken-from-an-Eskimo’s-freezer type of cold.  Good luck finding that in Europe!  People joke that Europeans, Germans in particular, drink their beer warm, and that statement is only slightly exaggerated.  In general, beverages in Europe are not served nearly as cold as their American counterparts, and more than once when abroad, I’ve caught myself longing for some ice cubes to drop in my disappointingly lukewarm beverage.  One of my parents’ fondest memories of attending the summer Olympics in London was encountering a store owner who scurried into the back cooler of his store in order to provide them with Coca Cola’s that were, in the store owner’s words, “American cold.”  God bless that man.

If “Zvdravim” is Czech for “lukewarm beverages,” then I’ll take two, please!


FREE Public Restrooms

Talk about a culture shock at the most inconvenient time!  Fifty cents (euro)?  To use the facilities?!  Surely, you must be joking!  But alas, free public restrooms are hard to come by in Europe, so better take care of business whenever you’re in a restaurant, museum, or other attraction that offers “free” (well, you already paid admission fee to the site) bathrooms.  (Side-note: I have heard that larger U.S. cities such as Washington D.C., Philadelphia, New York, etc, also have public restrooms that charge a nominal cash fee, but as I don’t hail from any of these cities, I rarely encounter it.)

Personal Space

Perhaps this is my own limited experience talking, but personal space outside this U.S. appears to be quite smaller than what I’m used to.  Maybe the size of a country corresponds directly to the personal space its citizens adopt?  If so, I shudder to think of how closely Monacans or Liechtensteiners stand to each other when queuing in the grocery store as compared to Americans!  I’m most comfortable when people give me a 2-3 feet radius of personal space, but am rarely afforded that space when abroad.  Unless we’re close friends, I’d rather you not stand so close to me that I can smell the coffee on your breath or count the hairs in your eyebrows!  I’m looking at you, hausfrau-behind-me at Aldi’s!

contented traveller

Talking to Strangers

I know your mother probably warned you not to talk to strangers, but in the U.S., especially here in the southern states, it’s not uncommon to strike up a conversation with a random stranger in line or with the cashier at the register.  Talking about the weather, venting about the price of gasoline, or commenting about whatever item you’re about to purchase are all acceptable random topics of conversation.  It’s just something we do – friendliness for the sake of friendliness, I like to call it.  Try this in a foreign country (if you can speak the language, that is), and you’ll most likely get some funny looks.  However, it might result in more personal space as that person tries to edge away from your crazy American self!

contented traveller

(Photo taken on the U.S.S. Constitution, Boston, May 2014)You might think those people in the background are strangers, but you’d be wrong.  They’re just talking buddies waiting to happen!

Not Having to Worry About Transportation Strikes

Can you imagine being in a foreign country, relying completely on public transportation, and finding out that on the day you’re supposed to be traveling to the airport, all the transportation workers are on strike?  I hope I never have to experience this.  Thankfully, the strikes in Europe have never thrown our plans into whack, and they’re usually not spontaneous strikes, which gives people some time to arrange back-up plans.  But it’s something that I never have to worry about in the states.  Strikes are rare and usually short-lived over here in the United States, which is very beneficial to my blood pressure!

contented traveller

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PS, while our beers are cold I cannot guarantee our transport system.

If you are interested in sharing 5 things that you miss or 5 things that you don’t miss, feel free to contact us.

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