These are some of the first tweets from some of your favourite travel bloggers. I know that we were all experimenting when we sent our #FirstTweet and fathoming out this social media platform. I guess it was amateur of trial and error. One of the world’s leading travel writers started with “How does this work!??” so take heart if you are also unsure when you start in the twitter world.

Here are some suggestions to make your life easier.

You may not be able to take back you #FirstTweet but you can gain excellent traction and good relationships by following some simple guidelines.

  • Like people you like, or who have similar interests to you
  • Think outside of the box. I am a travel blogger but follow a lot of food tweeters because food and travel are a perfect match. I ski so you will see I follow lots of ski accounts
  • Put your favourites into a list for ease of reference.
  • Respond to people when they comment to you and comment yourself. It comes down to common courtesy and this is a “social” media platform
  • Use a scheduler to make your life a lot easier. There are many to choose from like Hoot Suite and Buffer
  • Write a bio that people can engage with.
  • “Don’t tweet all about you: tweet all about them.” Chris Brogan – it is about sharing.

You might not be able to take back your #FirstTweet and you probably don’t want to. Watch how you grow over time.


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And our first one

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